HARI Arts Research & Experimentation Project Space
Over the Creative Hull weekend in 2021, HARI (Hull Artist Research Initiative) presented work to the public on view through the windows at the front of a Project Space located at 47 King Edward St, Hull City Centre, which was kindly provided by Axisweb and Prospect Centre.
The display provided a taste of HARI’s residency and research programme titled WorkShop. Starting in August 2021, WorkShop produced 5 residencies with a diverse selection of artists based in the Humber region, alongside an enriching public events programme.
About HARI
HARI was founded by David Priestman, Sarah Pennington and David Cleary, three artists and art workers with ties to Hull. It is an artist-led collective providing residencies and exhibition opportunities which enable artists to experiment and produce ambitious new work. The core of HARI’s artistic programme emphasises research and innovative public engagement. Their aim is to bring artists closer to the audience and reveal how and why they make work.
This project is viewed from King Edward Street, which is wheelchair accessible.
Friday 16 – Sunday 18 July 2021
24 hours
47 King Edward St, Hull City Centre