Co-Creating a Climate Ready Hull

Co-Creating a Climate Ready Hull was an exhibition that engaged primary and secondary school pupils, policymakers, community groups, academics, artists, and the general public in a visual conversation about the city’s response to climate change.

Led by a team from the University of Hull’s Energy and Environment Institute, the project facilitated a multi-vocal conversation about the creation of a climate action plan for the city. Through the co-creation of Climate Dialogue Maps, diverse perspectives were collected to represent residents’ concerns, skills, talents, imagination, ideas and solutions.

The maps were both collective works of art and visual tools that brought a variety of Hull-based voices together to co-create a climate ready Hull. Based on this collective work, the action plan aimed to be concrete, with the timelines, areas of responsibility and outcomes in the pursuit of a sustainable city, resilient to environmental crises (including flooding) and welcoming of the natural world around us.

The exhibition was interactive, designed so that the viewer could add their voice and contribute to Hull’s sustainable future.

Past events